
I am living in a camper-trailer behind our ordinary car, together with my twin brother, my parents and my grand-parents. We are exploring half our continent.

Friday 17 July 2015

Whales in the Bay

Today we took a whale watching boat into the wide bay of Fraser Island. It was cold and windy, and our captain said that the chances of seeing whales are only 50-50 as it is very early season. It was rough outside and the boat was going up and down in the waves. After a yum morning tea, our captain heard on the radio that whales were spotted near Woody Island. We got there and found them! They were two giant black-and-white whales. Our captain said that they were only two years old. We followed these two whales for a couple of hours. They happily swam by the boat. Suddenly, one of them breached right in front of our bow. Everyone cheered.

Humpback Whalte


  1. Hi Niklas,
    It looks like you are having an amazing time. We just enjoyed reading through your posts and looking at your pictures. We have had a very busy day because we now have gymnastics on Wednesdays and we went to an anti-bullying performance this morning. We promise we will try and comment more often. Love 1/2T xxoo

    1. Dear 1/2T friends,
      I am missing school and you all so much! Can you send me a photo of you all at gymnastics? We'll be heading into the outback tomorrow. Tonight is the last night under trees in the Wet Tropics. We climbed lots of curtain fig trees trees today, and watched platypus in a murky creek, also lots of freshwater turtles.
      Love to you all,

  2. Hi Niklas,
    Hope you are having lots of fun whale watching,
    So not fair.
    From Malie

    1. Hi Malie,
      It seems we are seeing the lot of the Australian wild animals: today, we spent 3 hours watching platypus in Peterson creek flowing into Lake Tinaroo, near Yungaburra
      Love, Niklas

  3. Have you seen any koalas yet?
    From, Malie

  4. P.S I miss you!!!
    From Malie
