
I am living in a camper-trailer behind our ordinary car, together with my twin brother, my parents and my grand-parents. We are exploring half our continent.

Thursday 16 July 2015


Today we drove from Glass House Mountains to Scarness (Hervey Bay). We stopped at Maryborough for lunch. They have a park in the town centre with the most giant tree that you can imagine. The tree takes 3 minutes to walk around! It has lots of roots that Jonas and I climbed on. Also, we played hide and seek in it. Grandma and grandpa had trouble finding us in the many tree roots. Some of the roots had spaces that Jonas and I could get through, but grandma and grandpa couldn’t. That was funny.

After arriving in Scarness, I played at the park next to the camping ground. There were two men playing footy. They had a red, soft footy ball, so we asked if we could play with them. We had so much fun kicking the ball to each other. They called me a “natural kicker”. At the end of the day, we got the footy ball as a present.

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