
I am living in a camper-trailer behind our ordinary car, together with my twin brother, my parents and my grand-parents. We are exploring half our continent.

Saturday 11 July 2015

The day up in the mountains

Last night, I slept in Oma's and Opa's camper van and not in Mum's and Dad's camper trailer. They have got one additional sleeping space under their roof top. I slept in my sleeping bag and stayed nice and warm.

Today we went up to the mountains in Dorrigo National Park. There is a huge world-famous rainforest. We went into the rainforest for a 3-hour walk. Guess what? When we were half way, and still had 60 min to walk, it started to RAIN. Is that why they call it a rain forest?

This is a photo of Crystal Falls from behind the waterfall

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