
I am living in a camper-trailer behind our ordinary car, together with my twin brother, my parents and my grand-parents. We are exploring half our continent.

Friday 17 July 2015

Whales in the Bay

Today we took a whale watching boat into the wide bay of Fraser Island. It was cold and windy, and our captain said that the chances of seeing whales are only 50-50 as it is very early season. It was rough outside and the boat was going up and down in the waves. After a yum morning tea, our captain heard on the radio that whales were spotted near Woody Island. We got there and found them! They were two giant black-and-white whales. Our captain said that they were only two years old. We followed these two whales for a couple of hours. They happily swam by the boat. Suddenly, one of them breached right in front of our bow. Everyone cheered.

Humpback Whalte

Thursday 16 July 2015


Today we drove from Glass House Mountains to Scarness (Hervey Bay). We stopped at Maryborough for lunch. They have a park in the town centre with the most giant tree that you can imagine. The tree takes 3 minutes to walk around! It has lots of roots that Jonas and I climbed on. Also, we played hide and seek in it. Grandma and grandpa had trouble finding us in the many tree roots. Some of the roots had spaces that Jonas and I could get through, but grandma and grandpa couldn’t. That was funny.

After arriving in Scarness, I played at the park next to the camping ground. There were two men playing footy. They had a red, soft footy ball, so we asked if we could play with them. We had so much fun kicking the ball to each other. They called me a “natural kicker”. At the end of the day, we got the footy ball as a present.

Australia Zoo

On Wednesday grandma, grandpa, Jonas and I went to Australia Zoo near Glasshouse Mountains. We learned all about animals. Did you know that every marsupial baby is called a “joey”? Joeys are born the size of a jelly bean; they are tiny.

We went to lots of shows. At one of them we saw two people telling us how to deal with saltwater crocodiles: Don’t go near the water’s edge. Don’t splash around in the water. If you are camping where crocodiles live, stay at least 50 metres from the water’s edge.

I also fed lots of wallabies and Eastern Grey Kangaroos. At the zoo shop, grandpa bought me a stuffed Eastern Grey Kangaroo with a joey in her pouch. I named her “Miss K.”.

This is Miss K. with her Joey

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Our first night in Queensland

When I woke up this morning in Springbrook, I heard whip birds, so I went to grandma’s and grandpa’s caravan to wake Jonas up and play with grandpa. Then we asked about the Chicken National Anthem and Jonas suddenly sang it though we didn’t know that he was awake.

On our way to Beerwah we passed lots of rollercoasters, Wet’n’Wild and Movie World. Tomorrow we are going to visit Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo, which is only 2 kilometres from here. Perhaps I will climb one of the Glasshouse Mountains.

Our camper trailer under the Milky Way

This is our grandparent's camper van

Saturday 11 July 2015

The day up in the mountains

Last night, I slept in Oma's and Opa's camper van and not in Mum's and Dad's camper trailer. They have got one additional sleeping space under their roof top. I slept in my sleeping bag and stayed nice and warm.

Today we went up to the mountains in Dorrigo National Park. There is a huge world-famous rainforest. We went into the rainforest for a 3-hour walk. Guess what? When we were half way, and still had 60 min to walk, it started to RAIN. Is that why they call it a rain forest?

This is a photo of Crystal Falls from behind the waterfall

Friday 10 July 2015

Fighting kangaroos

When I got up this morning in beautiful sun shine, I found lots of Eastern Grey Kangaroos around our tent. I took Mum's camera and took lots of videos of their fights and kicks. Then, Dad gave me his camera and I took more photos. He told me how to hold the camera, how to use the zoom lens, and how to focus. I show you one of my favourite pictures here:

This is one of the photos I took of a Eastern Grey Kangaroo eating grass