
I am living in a camper-trailer behind our ordinary car, together with my twin brother, my parents and my grand-parents. We are exploring half our continent.

Friday 14 August 2015

Tooth fairy

Finally, after a lot of wobbles, my second top front tooth fell out. In Barkly Homestead, in the middle of nowhere. This is endless country of nothingness: no road trains, no trees, no toilets, no fellow travellers. Only dead cows alongside the road, dry grass, dry grass, and more dry grass. Occasionally, a little scrub. Or a little rock. But all featureless. Good country for reading thick books (I have just finished the third book of Enyd Blyton’s Mystery Series about the find outers). We have also posted three postcard to Sydney, one to our class 1/2 T.


  1. Did the Tooth Fairy find you?

  2. So far we have 2 postcards! We are excited for the third.
