
I am living in a camper-trailer behind our ordinary car, together with my twin brother, my parents and my grand-parents. We are exploring half our continent.

Monday 17 August 2015

Mataranka Hot Springs

We are arriving at the Top End. We left the dry - and super dusty - Centre behind and have made it to Mataranka in Northern Territory. After days and days of camping in the dust and seeing nothing but scrubs and grasses, after playing not “foot”ball but “dust”ball in the brown, stinky dust, there is suddenly water and trees!

Our lunch stop is at Mataranka hot springs. The nearby Roper Rive is closed for swimming due to crocs. But the little Rainbow Spring that puts out warm water of 34 deg C is open for swimming! I plunge in and can’t get enough of it! The water is a clear turquoise colour. They have dug out a pool so that it is easy swimming. Mum couldn’t get me out of here!

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